Marine Aluminum Shore Gangway
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Self-righting Inflatable Liferaft


TUF Marine and Offshore Self-righting Inflatable Liferaft is designed, manufactured and tested in accordance with latest IMO LSA SOLAS rules. The top of the liferaft has a round shape, which reduces the contact surface with the water and the weight of the raft body and the accessories makes the center of gravity at the bottom of the liferaft. So when the liferaft is overturned in the sea surface during the release process, the life raft will be righted by itself and inflated. This liferaft buoyancy is stable and will not overturn. It could float on the sea for at least 30days.The Max storage height is between 18-50m.

Available Capacity:
10P, 20P, 25P, 39P, 50P, 100P, 125P, 150P and custom capacity. (P means persons).

Available Types:
Throwing Overboard seft-righting liferaft
Davit launched Self-righting Inflatable Liferaft

Emergency pack: SOLAS A / B .

Certficates: EC and major IACS.