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A60 Watertight Steel Fire Rated Door


A60 Watertight Steel Fire door is made of high quality steel (ASTM A36). This door functions fire protection and waterproofness and is suitable for accommodation in the ship/bunkers requiring both A60 fireproofness and watertightness. It can be installed on the upper structure above deck or deck house. Its excellent performance in waterproofness is remarkable. This door makes your voyage secure and comfortable. They conform to standards like ASTM F1073, ASTM F1069, ASTM F 1068 and relevant ISO standards.

A60 pneumatic sliding watertight door that meets the latest rules of ABS, BV, NK, RMRS, CCS, DNV-GL, LR ,Rina and  IMO SOLAS is also available with TUF Marine.

The material and processing standards include but not limited as follows,

ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
ANSI American National Standards Institute
AISC AmericanInstitute Steel Construction
ASME American Society Mechanical Engineers
AWS American Welding Society
ICEA Insulated Cable Engineers Association U.S.A
NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association, U.S.A
IEEE ElectronicsEngineers, U.S.A
NEC NationalE1ectrical Safety Code, U.S.A
SAE AutomativeEngineers, U.S.A
DIN German Industrial Standard


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